Lax Kwa'alaams Academy
Port Simpson, BC
This First Nations School is located in the remote village of Lax Kw’alaams on the west coast of British Columbia.  Access to the site is by water only and as such all materials were required to be barged to the nearest loading dock and then transported by truck to the building location. The kindergarten through grade twelve school is constructed of structural steel with steel stud framing. The exterior is comprised of multi-colored decorative metal siding and glazing components.
The school consists of 16 classrooms and a gymnasium and includes many Aboriginal features such as a round stage area used for presentations.  The facility attaches to the existing community pool building and elders complex creating both educational and recreational opportunities in one location.
Delivery Method
2,058 m2
Stipulated Sum
Port Simpson, BC
Lax Kwa'alaams Indian Band